Friday, November 2, 2012

Project Script

                              Project Script

-First thing that needs to be done in order to edit this photo is choosing the Fill option on the bottom left corner of the screen in the same area as the layer options.

-Secondly, choose the Gradient option and set the angle at -90 and make sure that the scale is aligned with the angle. The press OK.

- You should see that a new Gradient Fill layer, select it and click Normal on the Layers panel. Out of those options, choose Overlay.

-Once that is done, click on the Gradient Fill layer and delete it by right clicking it and selecting the option.

-Then click Fill again and select the Gradient option. Once there select the violet orange fill.

- Select Normal on the Layers panel, then choose the Hard Light option. Set the opacity to 66%.

- Now set the foreground color to light grey, then select the Brush Tool and clean around the people in the photo. If you make any mistakes, you can set the foreground color to white to fix it again.

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