Friday, November 2, 2012

MastHead Logo Writeup

                           Yesenia Coello MastHead Writeup

First tool I used for my MastHead logo was the Gradient Tool in order to make a nice looking background. First thing I did was select one of the many Gradient designs and played around with the colors a bit and selected a medium green and bright golden yellow design, that seemed fitting for the design that I wanted.
      The next thing I did was use the Custom Shape Tool and change the set of shapes to the second option. From there I selected the spiked star shaped tool and added the shape onto the canvas, and coloring it green by changing the Foreground color to green. I then copied the image by adding it to different layers and moved them to the corners of the canvas to make it look like border.
      Next, I used the Brush Tool, changed the foreground color to black and selected the number 46 and painted the top and bottom of the canvas, giving an additional touch to the border. After that I selected the number 80 brush and changed the foreground color to gold, which I added on top of the black paint border and gave it an additional spark and make it more eye catching.
      The last thing to do was to type the text. I used the Type Tool and changed the type size to 48 and selected a different type of font. I then used the Stroke Effect by using the Blending Options and selcted the layer to be gold with a black shadow like effect.
    Lastly, I saved the image for internet use by going to File, Save For Web and saved it as a JPEG with the JPEG High  option, which is the best resolution for an image with such photo like qualities. From there I logged into my blogger account and uploaded the logo onto my blog.

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